What is Food?
Material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy.
What is Food Fraud?
Food fraud or economically motivated adulteration means deliberate and intentional substitution, addition, tampering, or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients, or food packaging or false/ misleading statements made about a product, for economic gain It is illegal duplicity for money making and emerging ocean of crime directly or indirectly related to our health and ethical values.
•The complex food chains, long supply chains, variable levels of investigations and norms makes it very hard to trace the origin of food.
•High level of compeitions faced by local manufacturers.
•There are loop holes in the regulations and tracking systems which fraudsters can easily thrive.
•Non acceptance of natural food products which indirectly increases market demand.
•Lack of training and knowledge.
•More demand for fresh produce led to increase in fraudulent practices in order to increase shelf life of products.


•Direct food fraud risk: Occurs when the consumer is put at immediate or imminent risk Example Inclusion of an acutely toxic or lethal contaminant.
•Indirect food fraud risk: Occurs when the consumer is put at risk through long term exposure Example The build up of a chronically toxic contaminant in the body, through the ingestion of low doses.
•Technical food fraud risk: Is nonmaterial in nature Example Food documentation fraud occurs when product content or country of origin information is deliberately misrepresented.
•High market prices
•Consumer trust is affected
•Serious health issues
•Honest producers competance and profitability
•Religious and ethical issues
We need to combat food frauds hand in hand as food is a universal platform which connects everyone together Improved traceability systems, analytical tools, greater cooperation between food control authorities and law enforcement agencies is required Penalties should be made proportionate to criminal infringements and must provide sufficient data to the consumers Food inspectors and laboratory staff are needed to be adequately trained All of these practices will lead to better food and healthy society, so let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.