Short Introduction of RCM Businesses
Development in Science and Information Technology has eliminated all boundaries and turned the world into 'One Market'. As a result the market is flooded with a wide range of new products. But the common man in our country is not even in a position to buy the necessities of life.
Of what use are the various products or the inviting advertisement, unless the mass acquire some purchasing post. So the most important need into increase the purchasing power of one common man. In spite of such argar problem no one wants to take the pain to eliminate it.
The main objective of the so called multinational companies is to establish their monopoly in the market and sell the products at higher rates. They are flooding the market with variety of products and spending lavishly on publicity and attractive ads, alluring the masses to purchase them. Isn't it surprising that a gorgeous advertisement is sufficient to sell of product that is adverse to health.
Cut throat competition is prevailing every where and the economy of the country is imbalanced. 80% money of the country is concentrated in the hands of 20% people. Some people are so rich that they have to keep their money in foreign banks. While the major part of population is even unable to get their food and clothing. These deprived people can neither afford good education for their children nor can think of fulfillment of their worldly desires. The problem is increasing day by day.
Thus these create a challenge to change the existing system, and bring out such a system which can develop the society as a whole. The new system should be such that involves all desiring citizens and also help to market products, manufactured in our country.
RCM was set up based on this idea. You are gladly invited to join this successful venture.
Specialities of RCM Business - Right Concept Marketing
Best Preparations
1. Products of common use
2. Best quality and techniques used
3. Reasonable price for quality products
4. Value based education
5. No chance of loss to consumers at any level
Remarkable Achievements
1. Highest number of distributors.
2. Highest number of new joining per month.
3. Distribution of Income to highest number of people.
4. Highest number of products.
5. Highest number of distribution centres.
6. Highest success rate.
This is why distributors have an invincible faith in RCM Business.
What to do in RCM Business ?
In this system, nothing extra is to be done. The consumers will have to simply shift to RCM brand quality products. By purchasing RCM products, consumers get a significant part in the profits. They get best quality at a reasonable price. This message is to be communicated to consumers, without explicit advertising, by word of mouth. It must be our aim to explain this to the consumers and convince them. Generally. we spend our time in useless discussions. Now, after joining RCM, its time for some fruitful one.
This is a very new and scientific concept it empowers to develop the entire society. To make this concept successful RCM has done extra ordinary preparation. Today this al campaign is ready to bring revolution all across India by improvising a better life for it's citizens.
The larger segment of society has realised the potential of this campaign and gradually the awareness among the people is increasing. At the initial stage hardly anyone was aware about RCM and its mission, unlike today the entire nation is familiar with it. Lakhs of people has ferar improved their lives through RCM. The future seems clear, it will prove as the best method to improve the life of every Indian.

Salient Features of RCM Business
•Direct dealing between the manufacturer and the consumers. No middle links and hence no possibility of duplicate products.
•No need of outside advertisements. In a traditional marketing system, false advertisements are used for publicity done by those people who don't even use the products. This raises the product-cost to folds of the actual cost.
•In RCM the consumer, himself propagates the good quality of product after using it and being satisfied. Thus in RCM Products move on quality basis only and not on advertisements.
•In this system no individual is granted monopoly rights for marketing. Every consumer is free to grow his group and earn from the purchasing of his group. Thus, this is a vast opportunity for all.
•RCM Distributors do not require any resources and staff. Thus no risk is involved in this business.
•There is no time-boundation. A person can utilize his spare time for this business as he has to simply explain this concept to other people.
•No degree or qualification is essential for working in this system. The only requirement is a person's desire to work sincerely and earn by ethical means. Even a person learns a lop from doing this work.
•There is no competition with others, rather this work progresses by mutual co operation.
Achievements of RCM Business