Some Questions which you should think about
In the present social set-up, several questions stunt the mind of a common man:
Why we indulge in harming each other?
Why a person become enemy with his own relatives ?
Why a person becomes ready to kill another over trifles ?
Why we have become so selfish that we don't feel pleasure in seeing others happy ?
It can be judged that there is a basic mistake in our system, but still we are following the same WHY? We are unable to think of any alternative. After all, what is the remedy ?
RCM Family invites you to come to the path where every one help each other so that together we can bring people closer to each other and every one will feel pleasure to see others happy. You will be surprised to know about a work which can be done solely by brotherhood and that is RCM.
A short introduction of
RCM Business (Right Concept Marketing)
&RCM Build Network With Binod
This video describes everything about
Right Concept Marketing (RCM Business) :
i) Key Features
ii) Key of Success
iii) It's mission & vision
So friends, which business should you do, traditional or direct selling?
•The complex food chains, long supply chains, variable levels of investigations and norms makes it very hard to trace the origin of food.
•High level of compeitions faced by local manufacturers
•There are loop holes in the regulations and tracking systems which fraudsters can easily thrive.
Want to know more about Food Fraud in Traditional Business?
Direct dealing between the manufacturer and the consumers. No middle links and hence no possibility of duplicate products.